Tag: This Service Supplied Without Charge
Links on Distribution and Workplace Democracy
Interfluidity on the Productivity Effects of Wealth as Insurance: Waldman is excellent and thoughtful, as always. Four Futures: No mix-and-match because futurists never hedge. Why Valve? Sounds like a great place to work, but I’m glad that the DC Department of Public Works doesn’t run this way: I like it when they collect my trash. Tabarrok…
Good Stuff, and Bad
Charles Stross is doing an “IamA” on Reddit right now. Vincent Ostrom died. (Am I wrong to find this kind of quick death following the loss of a spouse and co-researcher seriously romantic? Probably, but there it is.) Children bully an elderly bus monitor. The internet responds with $650,000 in donations. Also, many plot elaborate revenge…
Updates and Tidbits
I’ve been neck-deep in some writing projects of late, but I wanted to post a couple of cool links and give a hint of what’s coming next: Mark Lance, Daniel Levine, and I will be running a free course at the Baltimore Free School on Freedom. Daniel Levine has been doing some pretty kick-ass work…
Sentence Lover
Tyler Cowen writes: I have an irrational fondness for this sentence of Mann’s: The First World War distracted governments from the task of monitoring insect movements. The sentence from Charles C. Mann is quite good, but Cowen’s sentence is better: it encapsulates his exuberance for the written word and for heterodox points of view. (And…
In Socrates’ Wake
If you teach philosophy, you should be reading In Socrates’ Wake, a group blog devoted to pedagogy. Here are some highlights: Becko summarizes the “disengagement compact” (and further coverage of Academically Adrift) Michael Cholbi on testing and study strategies. Chris Panza parses our outlier GRE scores. Discussion of Martha Nussbaum’s Not for Profit (1, 2, 3,…
Google evaluates our reading level
Check out the results here. How to take the news? Should I be pleased that I blog in an accessible style or worried that the blog is only 18% advanced? I think this is a good “first principles” question for philosophers to ask themselves, especially since Google seems to be using sentence length and jargon-laden…