2009 Update

2008 wasn’t exactly the year of the blog: Twitter cut into my blogging a bit, as did life in general. As a result, I don’t have a long post to offer at the beginning of the year, as I would like to do. Instead, here are some things on my mind. 

  • Still working on personhood and individuality. I’ve outlined enough essays for a book, at this point. Now to actually write them.
  • Married life is great. Very regular and non-dramatic, in the best possible way.
  • We’re starting to explore some ways to green our existence a bit. We already live in an urban apartment and use mostly mass transit, so next on the list is eating fewer packaged foods and maybe joining a CSA. I know my readers are all outside of the DC area, but I wonder if anybody knows anything about these: Blue Ridge Center CSABull Run Mountain Vegetable FarmStoney Lonesome FarmLei-Kei Farm LLCPotomac Vegetable FarmsVirginia Green GrocerMoutoux Orchard, or Graceland Farm.
  • I’ll be teaching Ethics and Philosophy of Law at George Mason Univerisity next semester. I’m revamping both syllabi to keep them interesting.
  • It’s time to start plundering the best-of lists of 2008. I’ll be starting with XPN’s Best CD list, and also going through the Economist’s and NPR’s lists of best books. I’m particularly looking forward to The Ayatollah Begs to Differ and Vampire Weekend’s self-titled album. I’m all about crowdsourcing my cultural capital.






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