Category: Uncategorized
Semantic Insatiability and Logophilic Etymologies
What is the opposite of semantic satiation?
Rascal News
Rascal News is an exciting new venture in tabletop games journalism. Building on the 00s’ New Games Journalism for videogames, the editors/authors are Lin Codega, Rowan Zeoli, and Chase Carter. A recent interview with Kimi Hughes discusses “How Has Actual Play Changed Game Design?“ Some sources and inspirations:
Maybe the Horse Will Sing: On the Value of Putting Things Off
Nasreddin got himself into some serious legal trouble–the reasons are lost to time. Before the king sentenced him to death, Nasreddin asked for a delay because he was the only person in the world who could teach a horse to sing. The king was skeptical, but gave Nasreddin a horse and a year to teach…
Why Philosophy of Crime and Punishment, Now?
I am teaching this course again. Every year it changes, and this year I hope it changes a lot. Here’s what I said about this today, our first day of classes: Any story about crime and punishment is bound to start with a few stylized facts. Until this year, I’ve started with the same number:…
Beyond Sociology 101
The University of Toronto’s Sociology Department posts the reading lists for its PhD comprehensive exams.
Strangers to Ourselves
For my money the notion of self-estrangement is the fundamental insight of psychology.