The Tanner Lectures are available online. Here’s a selection that I found interesting:
Ben Barber’s “”Democratic Alternatives to the Mullahs and the Malls”
Seyla Benhabib’s “Reclaiming Universalism: Negotiating Republican Self-Determinism and Cosmopolitan Norms”
Stephen Breyer’s “Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution”
Umberto Eco’s “Interpretation and Overinterpretation: World, History, Texts”
Michel Foucault’s “Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Criticism of ‘Political Reason’“
Francis Fukuyama’s “Social Capital”
Amy Gutmann’s “Responding to Racial Injustice”
Mchael Ignatieff’s “I. Human Rights as Politics, II. Human Rights as Idolatry”
Christine Korsgaard’s “The Sources of Normativity”
Robert Nozick’s “Decisions of Principle, Principles of Decision”
Mary Robinson’s “I. Human Rights and Ethical Globalization, II. The Challenge of Human Rights Protection in Africa”
Michael Sandel’s “What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets”
Antonin Scalia’s “Common-Law Courts in a Civil-Law System: The Role of United States Federal Courts in Interpreting the Constitution and Laws”
Elaine Scarry’s “On Beauty and Being Just”
Amartya Sen’s “The Standard of Living”
Cass Sunstein’s “Political Conflict and Legal Agreement”
Charles Taylor’s “Modernity and the Rise of the Public Sphere”
Michael Walzer’s “Nation and Universe“
The Tanner Lectures
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