I’ve recently realized that there’s a pretty massive network of blogs devoted principally to philosophy, and I’m slowly adding them to my news feed. So what should I be reading?
I already have PEA Soup (whose collaboration with Ethics looks quite promising.) I’m a longtime fan of Public Reason. Similarly, I recently discovered Philosophy, et cetera. But what else should I be reading? I list my friends and associates on the sidebar, but though I do have some pretty smart friends, I imagine there are some people out there I don’t know who are nonetheless sharp, interesting, or provocative. Who are they? Where do they blog?
By way of exchange, I offer some blog reading advice to my friends. I’m thinking of it as a kind of matchmaking:
- Dr. J and The Attached Observer should read Gary Banham’s Inter Kant.
- Vegifem should read Vegans of Color. Also, Critical Animal.
- Mahogany Feed should read Infinite ThØught.
- Chris Long should be listening to Philosophy Bites.
- Steve Maloney should read The Brooks Blog.
- George Wrisley should read Metafilter.
- Michael Sigrist should actually read fewer blogs. But he might like Charlie’s Diary.
- My non-blogger friend Daniel Brunson should read the Philosophers’ Carnival, hosted this month by Horseless Telegraph. He’ll also enjoy Overcoming Bias if he doesn’t already read it.
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