Tag: Penn State

  • More rankings pablum guaranteed to leave gourmets unsatisfied

    The 2005 Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index looks like a better indicator than the Philosophical Gourmet’s reputation survey. This study weighted journals and then counted publications, so it’s fairly straight-forward. The controversy surrounding philosophy rankings is about to get hotter, because state schools seem to be more productive than Ivies! Michigan State U. CUNY Graduate Center…

  • Philosophical Rankings: Why are we still arguing about this?

    Brian Leiter writes: …[W]hat is more appalling is the nonsense about Penn State, Stony Brook, and Vanderbilt. First of all, they don’t have good departments, they have weak departments overall (with honorable exceptions etc. etc. etc.), whether you’re interested in philosophy of language or ancient philosophy or Continental philosophy. He’s responding to this claim in…