Category: Uncategorized

  • Loyalty, Research, and Prison Education

    Loyalty, Research, and Prison Education

    I’m in Dallas, Texas for the the National Conference for Higher Education in Prison. Today I’ll be presenting a paper from a larger project on loyalty and social science research methods which draws on an argument I first encountered in Peter Levine’s work. Here’s a link to the PowerPoint of my talk. It is fairly…

  • Matter, Motion, Atheism

    Matter, Motion, Atheism

    What is the connection between hylozoism, atheism, and egalitarianism? Kojin Karatani suggests an answer, and I wrangle with the New Atheists along the way.

  • Exit over Voice: Kojin Karatani on Athens’ Equality Problem

    Exit over Voice: Kojin Karatani on Athens’ Equality Problem

    (This post is part of a roundrobin reading group on Kojin Karatani’s Isonomia and the Origins of Philosophy. I focus here on chapter one; James Stanescu previously discussed the preface and appendix, and Joseph Trullinger will be discussing chapter two in the next few days.) In a certain sense, much of Karatani’s book is a…

  • How the Schocken Books collections changed Arendt scholarship

    How the Schocken Books collections changed Arendt scholarship

    Hannah Arendt never wrote a “moral philosophy.” It is not hidden away in the archives or any of the recent collections of her work, nor in her unpublished lectures, letters, or journals. She was a political theorist who thought that moral philosophy requires a set of social relations that are inaccessible in the modern world.…

  • John Kasich is trying to hog the DREAMers, and that’s not fair

    John Kasich is trying to hog the DREAMers, and that’s not fair

    I know it’s become standard fare for liberals to criticize Republicans for injustice. But I want to take a strong stand against this disgusting display, in which the Governor of Ohio, acting as a public official, told the world: “We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute…

  • An Ethical Argument for Philosophy Co-Authorship; on Friendship and Disagreement

    An Ethical Argument for Philosophy Co-Authorship; on Friendship and Disagreement

    This piece was co-written and co-published with Eric Schliesser. The most dazzling example of co-authorship is Paul Erdős, who co-wrote more than 1400 papers in mathematics with 485 collaborators. (What is your Erdős number?) To do this, he became functionally homeless: “His modus operandi was to show up on the doorstep of a fellow mathematician,…